Legal notices
This website is published by:
Address:28 chemin du nantillet 74300 THIEZ
France (metropolitan)
Phone n°:{1} +33.617123035
Registered company number: SIREN : 750 029 555
Editorial director: HUGUES Antoine
Information on the professional salesman:
HUGUES Antoine
28 chemin du nantillet
74300 THIEZ, Rhône-Alpes
Phone: 0617123035
APE: 4779Z VAT. nonapplicable, Article 293 B of the CGI.
Personal data:
In accordance with the Data-processing law and Freedom of January 6th, 1978, you have a right of access, of correction and opposition to the personal data concerning you collected at the time of our exchanges and which are necessary for the treatment of your order and the management of our trade relations.
You could receive commercial information.
If you do not wish that your data be used by our partners at ends of prospection,
if you do not wish any more to receive this kind of information, it is enough for you to contact us by mail or by telephone by indicating your name to us, you can contact us by mail with
HUGUES Antoine
28 chemin du nantillet
74300 THYEZ
by telephone to the 33 0617123035 of the Monday to Friday
or by e-mail with:
The transfer of information was authorized by the CNIL and is framed by the standard contractual clauses drawn up by the European Commission Number:
Right of retractation:
Time of retractation 14 clear days to turn over, with your expenses, the products not being appropriate to you. These deadlines run as from the shortly after the reception of the product to be completed the fourteenth day at midnight.
- These expired deadlines, you do not lay out any more this right of retractation. In order to assure the good management of the returns, we invite you to announce beforehand your return complete Return of the order: packing of origin with their packing of origin, the unit having to be intact and in good state.
- To accompany your return by the invoice. Refunding or the exchange supposes that you did not damage the product, or that you did not return it incomplete.
- Very product which will have been assembled will not be taken into account by the warranty of return. Do not turn over a product without to have obtained a number of return beforehand.
it dispatch date of your message of request for return is taken for the exercise of your right. ----After agreement the object will have to be reforwarded above at the address, in its packing of origin (if there is one of them), not used.
them shipping costs return and the initially committed shipping costs remain completely with the load of the purchaser. Only the purchase will be the object of a refunding, under a 14 days maximum delay after reception of the return and provided this one answers the conditions here present. engaged by the purchaser in the event of error of our leave you will be completely to refund.
- Any turned over, damaged incomplete object
19, rue Lamartine
80000 Amiens